Tuesday 27 May 2014

LO2: Reflections of photos/days out

The first day was purely to see what we wanted to take pictures of and maybe take a few while we were out, this was a necessary task for us as we needed to know exactly what we wanted to take pictures of and where we needed to go the next day. On the second day we went out to the areas that we went to the previous day with a wide angle lens and a standard lens and managed to get some decent shots although due to my actual ability to take photos I ended up with around 200 photos and only two that I felt were suitable. On the third day we went out to take more pictures of places that we did not have enough time to capture before and places that required us to take a bus to get to, this day was slightly better i managed to get around 200photos and 4 that I liked. On the fourth and final day i went out to the area that was closest to me in terms of location and took around 50 photos and managed to get 4 that I wanted to use and that I felt was appropriate. Overall the days that we went

Day 1
Today we went outside to location scout to and took a couple of photos while we were out, this allowed for us to get  a grasp on how long the days were going to take, how long we needed to spend at each location and how much time we needed over all. We took a few photos of the locations but purely for reference and to test out these new cameras.
Day 2
On the second day we went back to a few of the locations that we had selected and took a verity of different photos of these places. We experimented with the different lenses and angles that we could take the photos from. The day went on much like this and I managed to take around 200 photos of around 4 different locations, giving me a verity of choice on what photo that I wanted to use for the final ten pieces.
On the third day we went out again but this time got on the freebee bus and went around sheffield. We experimented with different angles and took more photos, again around 200. I manage to pick and chose out of these and came across around four that were good to use for the final piece.
Day 4
On the fourth day I needed to go out and get a few more photos for the breif, I went out for around half an hour and took a verity of different photos all based around Graffiti in Sheffield that wasn't the typical stuff from phlegm or other famous street artists. I took around 50 photos and managed to complete my selection for the 10 photos designated to creative and digital sheffield.

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