Tuesday 1 April 2014

KTA 2: Resources gathered on photographers/styles

Types Of Photography


Landscape photography can focus on vast or minimal parts of the landscape and generally focus on nature but they also sometimes focus on man made objects throughout the world. Most landscape photography show little or no human activity and are created in the pursuit to capture a description of nature.  

William Neill

I like this photo as it focuses on very minimal aspects of the landscape in the fog and yet it manages to look peaceful and beautiful at the same time. The image also has a shadow reflection as the fog is so thick making it look like cloudy water.


Portrait photography is the photography of people demonstrating personality, expression and mood of the subject matter. The main focus point in portrait photography is the persons face although the background and body may also hold an important role. 

Philippe Halsman

I like this picture as it shows how technology and placement of objects can be used to alter a photo and make it more exciting. The expression shown really demonstrates the nature of this picture as if what he paints has come to life.  The photo also uses the contrast of light and dark to show what is occurring within the photo, it is not an ordinary portrait. 


Documentary photography is used to capture significant events in history and show how different events are shaping our future. this type of photography is used also to show emotion and are ment to have an impact on the way we see things.

Felix Lupa 

I like this image as it conveys the dire situation that is occurring throughout our world, using dark colours to emphasise the way in which people all over the world live today. The contrast in light is also very well done to create the feeling of emptiness and sorrow.  


Band photography are photographs  that focuses on the art and skill of capturing photographic images of musical acts at live performances or in staged posed photo shoots.

Ross Halfin

I like this photo as the lighting within it is focused on the subject and the subject is also slightly off centre to draw more attention to him. This photo also demonstrates the way the musician feals about the way he plays, full of raw emotion and feeling.

Macro Photography

Macro photography is an extreem close up on something small to make it look big. 

Our Attempt at Portrait Photography  

This was our first attempt at taking a portrait photo (hero shot). The things that worked well was that our group managed to work somewhat well with minor distractions. The things that didn't work well is that a lot of our photographs are out of focus and also they never look that good even when we tried to use the photographic composition to suit these photos. We also tended to delete a lot of photos that we perhaps should have kept so that we could see what had gone wrong and see how we could correct them for the future. 

How Photoshop Helped Us

Photoshop helped us remove unwanted blemishes and make us look slightly more presentable (although it didn't help much) it also allowed us to make some rather frightening photographs. 


Enhanced (sort of) 



As you can see from the photos above, maybe not the the first enhancement, you can see that I was able to reduce the amount of blemishes and make the photo brighter/look overall better. Although these are very simple techniques they do help a lot with the presentability of them. 

More Research

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